Tommy Ventimiglia (sp?) was there. Haven’t seen him in years. He’s living in Port Jefferson, Long Island and just finished his novel.
Bryan Riss only had the comfy chair until John came and booted him out.
Jason Rozger made it pretty clear he hadn’t watched more than ten minutes of an Oscar broadcast in his entire life. Melissa Johnson bolted upright in her seat everytime Nicole Kidman was on the screen.
From left to right — Bryan Riss, Marcy, Jess Goring, Kerry Douglas Dye, Jason Rozger. I can’t for the life of me remember the names of the fish.
Beth Cooper is flanked by John Schmit and Tommy Ventimiglia.
Jurgen makes a point. Kerry asks, “why are you hocking me about it?”
Beth watches us watch the Oscars.
Jurgen’s precious Hobbits win another tech award.
Jason may appear to look all cozy, but he’s secretly eyeing that remote. There HAS to be something more interesting on.
Ann Marie Farrell has two college degrees.
Denise Stockman shows up in time to grab a cookie.
Marcy wonders when all these people will leave her house.
Ann has to get up early in the morning.