The more I think about this movie, the more amazed I am by it. It is 100% engaging — and yet nothing happens. It’s two hours and ten minutes of buildup, followed by thirty seconds of action. The movie is just plot plot plot. Keep it moving. No time for character depth, yet by hiring good actors and having clever dialogue the movie hints that it COULD have character depth if it wanted to, it just chooses to stick with the procedure. This is also fascinating as a house of mirrors period piece — to see how 1973 portrays 1962. This would make a great double bill with “Black Sunday.” (They are basically the same film, but since this is about France it feels a little classier.) What’s also interesting is that you aren’t watching “The Jackal” plan his crime — we’re just watching him move around, kinda discovering things. He isn’t all that great of a planner — he just has the will. This movie is the polar opposite of “In The Line of Fire.” Same subject matter, but that’s all about characters being clever and “human.” Here, they are just making connecting trains. Lastly, The Jackal would never have been caught if the OAS had a heavy donor to put some cash in the kitty. It was robbing the banks to pay Jackal’s price that tipped the cops off.