All right, fine — it isn’t perfect. For one thing, as with most biopics, you find yourself saying “And. . .?” at the end. I mean, when you think about it, all biopics are kinda like “this guy does this, then he does this, then he does this. . . ” Ultimately, you must ask, so what? Also — the psychological foundations of this film — Hughes’ Rosebud, if you will — seem a litte facile. Are we to believe that the man is this nuts just because his mother used to wash his pecker? That said, this movie is tremendous fun from beginning to end. The 2 hrs and 40 mins fly by (ack, bad pun) and it looks terrific. DiCaprio is sensational and the scenes when he was really flipping out made me feel nauseous. The side characters kinda blended together, especially the other men who were basically exposition machines but, hey, as far as Hollywood biopics are concerned, this is about as good as it could possibly be.