After a few months of everyone telling me to see “The Office” I went ahead and did it. Yes, it is very funny. Here’s what no one tells you: it is unbelievably annoying. It is all awkward pauses and uncomfortable silences. David Brent, the lead asshole played by co-writer co-director Gervaise, takes the Homer Simpson/Peter Griffin paradigm to a new level. This time he is a vain and clueless oaf, but he also is in charge and, therefore, no one can tell him what an asshole he is. I suppose it is a testament to how good the show is that the whole endeavor basically gives me a headache. I feel that if I ever see Ricky Gervaise somewhere I will be tempted to punch him in the eye. . .even though, yes, I realize that he is just an actor.
The second season introduces Brent’s bosses, who promply go all “Howard Sherman” on his incompetent ass. Painful and annoying in a different way, as you start to feel sorry for the asshole. At least I did.