The truth of the matter is that I was greatly enjoying this movie as I watched it. I liked the characters and I was fascinated by the central conflict (the moment in the 17th Century when women were allowed — forced, actually — to play the female parts in plays.) The minute the closing credits came up I had a bit of an epiphany — Woah! That movie was a piece of shit! Not only is the plotting farcically dumb, but the thesis of the film is proposterous, anachronistic and offensive. This movie is offensive to women, to gays, to anyone who knows jack shit about acting or the history of theater. Since it tries to pass itself off as “what was really happening behind the scenes” I can’t shrug this off as “well, it’s only a movie.” Part of me wants to give this movie a flat-out “F” — but, I must admit, like a good piece of soap opera, I was very absorbed. I believe this is the dictionary definition of a guilty pleasure — I doubt I would turn this off if I came upon it on cable. (The dialogue is sharp and. . .you know. . .men in make-up sniping is just oh so wonderfully bitchy!)