Brooks’ best, one of the funniest films ever. And what a cast! Cameos from Shecky Green, Bea Arthur, Sid Caesar, Henny Youngman, Jackie Mason, Ronnie Graham, Spike Milligan, John Hurt, etc. etc. And this doesn’t include the list of Brooks’ regulars like Madeline Kahn as Empress Nympho. Ms. Kahn’s ability to be daffy, cruel and sexy all at once is an unrivaled comedic triumph; she truly was one of the most gifted performers of the 20th Century. “History of the World” was incredibly ahead of its time — the Spanish Inquisition bit alone has inspired a season’s worth of Simpsons episodes. What Brooks does so well is mix in very complex jokes (eg “The Jig Is Up!”) with dopey old vaudeville schtick you can see coming down Broadway (“These Fifteen. . .oy! Ten, Ten Commandments!”) and some jokes that are just so stupid you have to laugh (“Nothing! I have Nothing for sale!”). This is one to be studied and studied.