
Iced Greek Coffee looks soooo tasty on a hot day, and all the Greeks on 30th Avenue look so happy sipping them. While I would never think to patronize one of the hardcore coffee bars near the subway, the Galaxy Cafe on our block is usually empty enough to seem inviting. We had a nice table in the breeze, overlooking the natural beauty and splendor that is Queens. Anyhow, I hadn’t had a cup of coffee since late April, 2002. This is when I began having very nasty reactions to caffeine. For years I wouldn’t even drink Coca-Cola. I started having the occasional Coca-Cola about 9 months ago and so far so good. (I used to get a horrible throbbing in my carotid artery when I drank coffee. The final time I had it, the throbbing lasted three days. I was convinced I was having a stroke and saw my doctor, who told me to switch to decaf.)

Anyway, I drank the frappe and it was soooooo good. But I made sure to drink a lot of water with it. I doubt if this does anything to dilute the caffeine, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. Almost instantly, I felt the effects. While I didn’t get a throbbing in my neck like I used to, I did get really antsy. I started talking really fast and then noticed that my leg was bouncing up and down. As I was talking and waving my arm around, I started saying really idiotic things. Ann gave me an odd look when I said that I wanted to go beat somebody up.

Now it is a few hours later. I’ve calmed down, but my stomach is killing me. My whole abdomen and esophagus is screaming in burning pain. I keep trying to belch, thinking this will make my stomach feel better, but it does nothing; it’s not gas, it is acid. I am debating taking some Tums, but the idea of putting anything into my system makes me want to vomit. And I know that vomiting now would feel like lava erupting out of my throat.

I am, in essence, in hell.

I’m never drinking coffee again.