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No one is more reluctant to watch a show on MTV than I. And. . .not only MTV, but MTV2? Do I even get such a channel? But after two solid weeks of being unable to open any newspaper, magazine or webpage without reading about the Season 2 premiere of Wonder Showzen, I relented. And, yeah, it is worth your time. “Wonder Showzen” is a thick stew of post-modernism, shock humor, political satire, stoner mindfuck, dadaism, cuteness, sound and light show, a howl-in-the-abyss reaction to a degrading wartime culture (probably), a queasy overall “that’s not right” unease and (and this is key) some very clever jokes. Indeed tonight’s episode featured a sexual innuendo with a “Mystery Science Theater”-level of esoteric reference to “To Kill A Mockingbird.” How much farther can the envelope be pushed? I’m not sure. Looks like I’ll have to go and rent last season’s DVDs.