An absolute camp classic with one of the best opening title sequences in history. As an NYC tour guide, I was a little annoyed they tried to pass off 72nd St as 96th, but, well, I’m an asshole that way. Ann loved the costumes and the music. I loved lines like “The chicks are packed, man!” Has anyone read “Anabasis” the Greek play this is based on? I’m curious.
Re: The Dead. Live/Dead, Workingman’s, American Beauty and Skull & Roses are all great albums — I can listen to them any time. Ditto much of Mars Hotel.
But after that? Man, I’m just not a fan! Jerry’s first solo album, and some of the cool side projects he’s done, are also pretty tolerable. There was just too much wanking going on. I’ve been listening to the Allman Brothers first few albums recently, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s about the only jam band stuff I can handle — the playing is fluid, the solos make sense, you can hear all kinds of influences, etc. Just never quite the appeal of the Dead and their myriad bootlegs, where people will squabble over which version of Dark Star is better, and to the non-fan, both will sound like aimless hippie noodling.
Still recall one of my fellow English major friends, who had cut loose from her Elizabethan upbrining, started getting high a lot and moved in with one of the photographers from the school paper, inviting me to dinner at her new pad. All went well, until the end of the dinner, when she asked, “Do you want to listen to some music?” Sure, I said. I opened up the huge cassette case on the sofa … every single cassette … a Dead bootleg. Righ there, I thought, get high all you want, fuck your boyfriend all hours of the night, but, honey, you have made a VERY WRONG TURN with your taste in music!