
Time for a heavy freak-out. Worf is sent around like a pinball between different, parallel universes. At first the changes are slight (a picture on a different wall – are we gaslighting Klingons?) but then they get nuts: Wesley still on the ship, Troi & Worf are married, Picard died at The Battle of Wolf 359. It is fun shit.

The ending wraps up in a phony-baloney way, but what can you do? With hundreds of thousands of Enterprises in one place, how is it that contact is made through all that com traffic? Although – when I saw the one Enterprise from the Universe totally overrun by the Borg, I admit that I got a major chill down my spine. (Although, just because the Borg are 98% of the way to destroying the Federation, why would Riker have a unibomber beard?)