Been letting this one sink in for a couple of days. I find Bill Condon’s work to be very poigniant. Even though he deals with harsh and flashy subjects, his films (okay, this and “Gods and Monsters” — I’ve never seen his earlier stuff) have a tender, sad quality to them. Kisney is a fascinating topic, and even a straight ahead biopic woulda no doubt been good — but this added quality really makes this a memorabile film, not just a cool story. Sadly, there is one scene (John Lithgow’s interview) that is so far-fetched that it really took me out of the picture for a while. Dunno how that slipped by. Liam Neeson, looking really awful with short hair, is terrific. Laura Linney, the finest actress of her generation, is so incredibly sexy as the WASP studying wasps with the healthy scientific interest in free thought that it makes me want to pass out. What makes her so appealing is that she is so bland looking. You know what I mean? Dr. Kinsey’s got my back that these feelings are natural.