
There was a time when I was really into John Updike. I haven’t read one of his books in some time so I picked up this collection of short stories. As I slogged through the first 100 pages I was tempted to toss it across the room. “Oh, who cares about adultery in the suburbs!!” Because that’s all any of these stories are about and, to the best of my recollection, that’s all he’s ever written about. But then there was some sort of breakthrough and I was able to get back into the rhythm and voice of these stories. By the time I hit the dessert (“Rabbit Remembered” a coda/novella of Updike’s triumphant Rabbit tetralogy is saved til last) I couldn’t put it down. In fact, I spent most of today kinda hiding in the corners, reading on the job (you can do that on slow days, sometimes.) I was reminded at just how stinking depressing Updike can be (remind me never to be a suburban adulterer) and how fabulous the Rabbit books are.