I had to leave the theater about 15 minutes in because a disgusting man sitting directly in front on me was hocking up loogies and spitting them on the floor! This man was so repulsive. He was about twice the size of me (!) and was wheezing and it wasn’t just the spitting it was the Splat! that you’d hear as his mucus-rich saliva made as it slapped against the cold theater floor. I started gagging as I sat behind him and had to run to the men’s room where I thought I would vomit. Anyway, it was so nice out (it was only 3 pm) that I figured I’d go for a walk anyway. (What I really wanted to see was “Diamond Jim” and this was kind’ve a swashbuckling picture, not a typical Preston Sturges screwball comedy.) As I exited I told the usher what was happening and he sighed deeply. What is it about these mid-day double features of old films that brings out the psychos? (Keep your wise-guy comments to yourself.)