It’s the same old joke. Boy, we gotta get rid of these Republicans. And then once we do, we gotta work on the Democrats. After Darth Bush announced his plan to give his pet project, World War III, a little extra oomph Senator Dick (heavy emphasis on the first name) Durbin, allegedly of the saner of the two parties, got on TV to . . .yell at the Iraqis for not doing enough to stop the war! I’m not kidding you. Live, on TV, beaming from coast to coast, I realize the new Democratic strategy . . .actually, the eventual American exit strategy will be: Blame the Victim.

I’m paraphrasing, but Durbin prefaced his rebuttal to Bush by giving the ol’ US of A a nice slap on the back for a job, so far, well done. “We’ve liberated you from your dictator.” I’m nearly certain he actually said, without irony, “we’ve already done so much!”

Hey, this is your planet. I just live here.