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Hoops McCann of the Steely Dan Digest (yes, I read the Steely Dan Digest) reminds us that it is the 30th anniversary of Katy Lied.

Here’s how one member remembers it:
Anyway, when I think of Katy Lied, I think of a general feel-good a time when I needed to feel good. 1974 for all of us had
been a disaster..the gas crisis..Watergate..and it was a hellish year for
me personally. I was dealing with abusive parents & unsympathetic friends
and still living in Los Angeles, even though I knew I’d soon be out of
there!! I moved to San Diego & started college
at San Diego State in 1975. It was so nice to kick back in 1975 with the
strains of Bad Sneakers playin in the background…laughin at the
frozen rain..honey when they gonna send me home? God..I hope never!! hehehe