
We ended Book Two with the Bajoran independence movement about to pick up steam. Now there is full-on conflagration. Young Kira Nerys is a major player here, as is Terok Nor’s new constable, the mysterious shapeshifter pictured above.

There are battle scenes, descriptions of sabotage and the eventual downfall of Guk Dukat. By the time of Liberation Day we realize that this trilogy has weaved a tapestry from Cardassian first contact to events just shy of “The Emissary.” My only complaint is that the canvas is so wide that some characters and conflicts just seemed to disappear, or weren’t as important as they originally seemed. But this is common in serialized television, too, so, in a way, these books are being true to form. Last minute appearances from major characters in Book One though come off a little forced.

Either way – any DS9 fan must read these books. They are your Clone Wars.