Okay, so I’m a geek and I like this movie. The Ents are awesome and men on horses swinging steel turns me on, kill me. There are some drawbacks to this film a little. For one, it does seem drawn about a bit, and the digital creatures, while some of the best digital creatures yet created, do sometimes look like a colorform slapped on top of a film image. My other complaint is that the movie is a giant tangent. I felt like Milhous wondering when Itchy and Scratchy were going to get to the fireworks factory; shouldn’t we all be watching Frodo get to Mount Doom? The fight for Rohan is so secondary – if Frodo fails in his mission, what does any of this matter? And, dude, what the hell is up with the Rohan King? He is the worst leader ever. Viggo Mortenson and his crew wake him up from his evil spell and he hardly thanks them, just whines about fighting to save his people and gives the team a bunch of sass. What’s Mortenson and the Dwarf and the Elf’s motivation to stay there and fight? Rohan isn’t their country. The King is a dick and it has nothing to do with their principle voyage – what they formed the Fellowship for? Do these people all have short attention spans? But this is all quibbling. I like this movie and look forward to part three.