I have enormous respect for Sally Potter. She has made a truly one of a kind film and, especially after hearing her speak at tonight’s screening, it is clear that every frame up there on the screen is her vision. Her vision and my vision, though, don’t really see eye to eye. The gimmick of the film — iambic pentameter — worked for me. The plot? Well, there really isn’t a plot once you get past the impressive verse. Once you realize this, you begin to recognize that the characters are horribly thin, you don’t give a shit about any of them, and some of them (the maid, especially) are disturbingly annoying to watch. Then you determine that the visual style of this film, something you weren’t paying attention to because of the iambic pentameter, is completely overwrought, obviously covering up that there just is no there there. Finally you start checking your watch and — holy shit! It’s only been 40 minutes? Oy!