
I see a book like this in a store it is a virtual impossibility that I’m not going to buy it.

It is a position paper, basically, arguing that a) most Jews are liberal and that b) they shouldn’t be.

The a) part is interesting reading – dating back to the Biblical era on through the Inquisition and Reformation and Pogroms and Herzl and Roosevelt and Alger Hiss and Kissinger up through the Bushes. Interesting reading.

What fails – ultimately fails – is Podhoretz’s rallying cry. He goes absolutely “all in” that anyone who doesn’t defend Israel 100% of the time is an anti-Semite. Seriously. It is amazing that publishing house of record ever let such insanity see the light of day.

Podhoretz’s maniacal litmus test renders all of his arguing moot, until he becomes a laughing stock.

He says Nixon is the greatest friend Jews ever had ever, and doesn’t even bother to refute the Billy Graham tapes. He just ignores them as if they don’t exist. Reagan was forced to go to Bitburg against his will and W. is a Truman-esque genius.


I liked reading this book for its first 2/3rds but the remainder is the ramblings of a madman.

I’m all for investigating other points of view, but this did nothing to turn me into the GOP voter its author hoped it would.