

Embarrassed though I might be to tell the tale, I will say to you this: it fills my heart with glee to hear two people I spend so much time with (Picard and Riker) speak with admiration about someone I care so deeply about (Mr. Spock.) It’s like when you introduce two of your friends and then learn that they are hanging out together. Or like when your Mom and girlfriend get along. When Picard speaks reverently about the great Ambassador that he knows “mainly from the history books,” I gotta say, it effects me on a deep level.

Yes, I have some problems.

This episode is a powerhouse. Spock has defected to the Romulans? Picard and Data must go undercover and hitch a ride with a Klingon ship (thanks, Gowron!) to Romulus. What could possibly be going on? Somehow they stretch this out to a full hour and it is awesome.