
I’d like to think that by now I’ve heard about all the major cultural empires that have been of some importance to world history. Not so. Prior to yesterday I knew nothing about the Sasanian Empire, which, if I’ve got this right, fits right in between the Persians (which you see in movies like “300”) and the rise of Islam (which you see in movies like “United 93.”)

Maybe I missed that day in Mr. Whelan’s class, or maybe we learned it under a different name? You know, like how Bombay is Mumbai now? That sorta thing?

The Asia society has a pretty spectacular show of these Zoroaster-worshipping guys and their various seals & drinking vessels (always with the seals and drinking vessels!) It’ll be up for just six more days.

Click here for an interesting article about Zoroastrians living in America that I remember reading last year when I was waiting for a bus.