
Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas has announced he is running for president. I’ve been afraid of Sam Brownback for years — I must admit, it was Howard Stern that hipped me to his insane fundamentalist views. Here is the problem:

It looks like Hillary Clinton really has a shot at winning the Democratic nomination in ’08. If that happens this means we have another Republican president. Because there is no way in hell Hillary can win the general. I have as much chance as she does. It will never happen.

Now: the big contenders for the GOP are Mitt Romney, Rudy & John McCain. All of them are too “moderate” (meaning they don’t spit on gays or condemn women to hell for having control of their own bodies.) The real Americans out their driving trucks (if I may generalize) can’t handle this and they will have to run to the right. If this scenario plays out, it may mean that the only person to vote for is Brownback. Hence: President Brownback. (And, Canadian Citizen Hoffman. I mean it this time.)

‘Cause Brownback makes W. look like Woodrow Wilson’s first term.

Here, read for yourself about Brownback here. And check out this blog here.

There is a solution, of course, to the above scenario. And a surprising one at that. We all know that it’s money that makes a candidacy. Mike Bloomberg is sitting on twenty billion dollars. He can run for president thirty times and pay for it himself. He could, theoretically, run as an independent and outspend the Dems and the GOP combined twice over. And while he isn’t my favorite person on Earth, that’s an outcome I could live with.