
Don’t get me wrong. I like bit battle sequences. And I like looking at Orcs and Balrogs and Wargs and what have you. I just don’t know what this movie is about. My complaints:

First of all – who are all these *new* people? I’m already 3 hours into this tale – you are gonna’ put all these new characters in my face? I can take the digital ones (yay Smeagol and double triple yay the Ents!!!) but who are all these Men?

It’s funny, but it is because of one of the Men that I dug up these films again. I wanted to see what Karl Urban (the new Dr. McCoy) was all about because he looks so awesome in the new Trek pics. Anyway, he plays some longhair on a horse who yells a lot.

There’s a giant battle in this movie, but it all feels like filler. Why aren’t we watching Frodo. Follow Frodo. He’s the story. The rest (even though Legolas and Gimli are cool) isn’t important.