Everything that was lame about the first movie is made worse here. There is zero emotional drive behind this movie. It feels, really, like what it is – kids making up an adventure as they play outside for the day. Adamson is truly a marvel of lethargic filmmaking.
And yet. And yet. How could I look myself in the mirror and totally poo poo any movie that has this many Minotaurs in it. TCON:PC is wall to wall Minotaurs. There’s even a blonde one. And one that goes “Shhhhh!” Just when you are tempted to turn the damned movie off, another awesome Minotaur appears.
So, you know, it’s got that going for it.
Dawn Treader comes out this Christmas – directed by Michael Apted. While the quite aged Apted isn’t my first pick for a vast fantasy epic, anyone is better than Adamson.