Matt Burch is divesting himself of his VHS collection, but not before he blogs about it first. He writes:
Lets be honest. Like many film geeks my age, I first developed my love of film
on tape. VHS vs BETA. EP vs LP vs SP. “Please Be Kind, Rewind.” These are the wars I fought in. These are the scars I carry.
Yes, its true that I am a full DVD convert by now. I mean, come on, youd be crazy not to be (That picture! That sound! Those extras!). But I must admit I was suspect of the new format when I bought my first Toshiba player back in 97. The picture looked for lack of a better phrase too clean. Where was that fuzzy warm hum on the soundtrack? Those intermittent rainbows? And no rewinding?! How was I now to be kind? DVD had taken from me one of the few charitable acts I knew how to perform and I for one was skeptical.
Check back to read his reviews of all his old tapes as he watches them, one by one, before throwing them away. Also — perhaps there’ll me more dopey pictures like this one: