Today Ann & I couldn’t stand to be inside and didn’t feel like seeing a movie. We hit some kickass museums. First, the Cooper-Hewitt, which was in between exhibits, so it was free! (Actually, the woman said they were charging half price, but when I whipped out my tour guide badge she let us in free.) They did have two things up: a small, yet awesome look at design changes during the influential year on 1848, curated by one of my favorite know-it-alls Kurt Andersen. Plus, we also saw the Future Shack, displayed below, which reminded me a little of The Man Without A Past. It was also there where I saw, in the gift shop, something I desperately wanted to buy but could not, as it was $160. Maybe someone will pick it up for Chanukah?

We then took a walk to the Conservatory Gardens, the only European-style garden in Manhattan, so they say. One enters through former Vanderbilt Mansion gates and, even if you normally don’t notice plantlife, you are wowed. Below a fairly lame arial view.


It was too friggin’ hot, though, so we quickly hightailed it to the fantabulous
Museum of the City of New York. The exhibit on Magnum’s New York (city life photographs from the late 40s til now) was stunning. And the hat’s off to Daniel Patrick Moynihan was, for me anyway, great fun. We didn’t even get a chance to look at the permanent collection. Both of these fantastic exhibits close in Sept.


After this we jetted down to Orchard St. to pick up a gallon of Guss’ Pickles for $21. Awesome. Then we headed down to East 6th St. for cheap Indian. The decor was great (Xmas lights, Happy Birthday signs and giant lit up red peppers (!)) but the food was fucking awful! $6.95 for a 5 course meal. . .and with good reason! Some E 6th St. places are good (Raj Mahal comes to mind. . .and one called Ghandi, too) but this place, ugh. I really think I ate cat.

Came home and had some Rum Raisin ice cream.