
I probably woulda gone my whole life without seeing Saw, but I met James Wan at Comic-Con and he was so cool I figured I’d check this movie out. It made nine kajillion dollars but I’ve never met anyone who thought it was actually a good movie. Surprise one: it’s a little indie movie! Surprise two: that can’t be. . .oh my God it is! What the hell is Danny Glover doing in this movie? Surprise three: this isn’t nearly as violent as I thought it would be. Surprise four: indeed – there’s actually a plot! Not a good plot, but this isn’t just torture-porn like I thought. Surprise five: ah, that’s a cute little zing at the end. I didn’t see that coming. Surprise six: what was all that nonsense about? But kudos to these guys for making it for peanuts. And do we have any frozen waffles left?