
Philip Roth’s short novella “The Breast,” clocking in at 89 big print pages, probably isn’t worth too much examination. A slightly-crude lit professor wakes up one morning to find that he has transformed into a giant mammary gland. He narrates from his hospital sling, unsure if he hasn’t just gone bonkers or if he really is a 155 lb boob. Since he is a lit professor, he does all the analysis for you. All you have to do is laugh. And it’s funny, we’ll leave it at that. I picked this up off the shelf at the library (the new branch on Jersey St. between Mulberry and Lafayett — which is very nice!) sat and read it in about an hour and then put it back on the shelf. Should you have an hour to kill, you might want to do the same. Like I say, it is a very funny little book.