
It saddens me to report that Observe and Report falls flat for me. Especially considering that two dudes whose opinions I truly trust (Parker Ward and Devin Faraci) went apeshit for this flick. I see why they liked it. . . but I couldn’t get past what I felt were some major pacing hurdles.

I have no inside info, but I fault studio involvement. They wanted another Knocked Up and tried to make this regular-funny. Silly stingers, jokes about clothes. There’s a dark novel in here trying to get out. I’m not sure a studio-released picture was the way to go to tell this story.

Still – many funny bits & great use of Queen’s “Flash Gordon” soundtrack.

There was some brouhaha at release about Observe and Report making light of rape. I’ve watched the film and I reject that. The scene in question does nothing to glamorize rape. Ann watched it and laughed and she’s my arbiter of taste.

You wanna get worked up about glamorizing rape? Someone please boycott Gamer. There’s a movie that everyone can agree is offensive.