I’ve done a good job of not posting anti-Bush screeds since the election — but in the face of what could potentially be 100,000 dead people as a result of a natural disaster, I have to vomit up some bile. No — not even WBAI could find a way to blame the tsunamis on the USA, but the lack of response — in hard currency, military mobilization, or at least a fucking 5 minute address from the Oval Office on TV to remind people to give to the Red Cross — is so mindblowingly callous it makes me sick. Bush has all the money in the world for immoral, illegal, unnecessary wars — basically, money to kill. He has no money to help keep people in need alive. ($15 million, before the public outcry raised it another 20, is like $25 stinking bucks comparatively speaking. I just gave my $25 bucks to the red cross and if you are reading this you should do that too by clicking here. . .then you can be just as self-righteous as I am.) The hard-hat assholes you meet everyday will say “it’s not our fault, why should we pay for it? What did they ever do for us?” Starting with the most asninie, least humane reason. . .how about the world fucking hates us right now (for good reason) and if we came in like a champ and acted like we actually gave a shit (and I mean the government) it might begin to erode that. That and, like, in ancient times, or even, like, a few decades ago, when a natural disaster hit all you could say was “it’s God’s will.” Well — fuck that. With technology you actually can make a difference. But not if all your technology is tied up in stealing people’s oil.