
De-Loused at the Comatorium by the Mars Volta. Wikipedia calls The Mars Volta a progressive rock band with jazz, punk, Latin and ambient influences. Okay, sure. But they also kick ass. If I were 17 years old I would be the foremost authority on The Mars Volta — I’d own every side project album and follow the whereabouts of this group at ever turn. Instead, I just play this album and say “Yes!”


Singles 45s and Under by Squeeze. It may be foolish to say this about a Greatest Hits compliation, but every tune on here is a winner. Nonstop singalongs at the house with this one.


The 2000 Year Old Man in the Year 2000 byt Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks. When I heard how the 2000 Year Old Man was dispossessed by wolves — Izzy and Belle Wolf of Sutton Place South — I nearly urinated in my pants. It’s all in the delivery.


Harmonielehre · The Chairman Dances · Tromba lontana · Short Ride in a Fast Machine / John Adams – Sir Simon Rattle. Some call John Adams a minimalist. This is nonsense. He is, if anything, a maximalist. And loud!


Presence by Led Zeppelin. “Drunkship Of Lanterns” by the Mars Volta is very reminiscent of “Achilles’ Last Stand” — high praise indeed. I dug this album up as a comparison shop. ALS is still one of the greatest tracks in all rock — the rest of the album can be a little too noisy, dissonant, dare-I-say annoying to listen to all at once. Never my favorite Zep album, but loaded with good shit.