Not nearly as awful as you might think. I went in only because it was just starting as I was exiting the multiplex and there was no one to tell me not to. The first half-hour truly blew, but I was mesmerized by the production design and cinematography. (No joke about that — it deserves every tech award in the book. You could plotz from all that fabric!) Then it hit me — this is an instant camp classic! It’s basically “Rocky” for Asian whores!! It’s “Showgirls!” (It’s “Sho-gun Girls!”) It’s bitchy women being nasty to one another then putting on make-up! The old lady madam sounds like a cross between Mercedes McCambridge and when Princess Leia put on that disguise in the beginning of “Return of the Jedi!!” I don’t know who the movie is more offensive to, Asians or to women in general. All I know is, when you are rooting for a young girl’s dream to maybe, maybe, maybe make it one day to become the hidden sex slave of the man of her girlish desires, you know you have entered a weird place. Expect the midnight screenings to come in the next year or so.