This movie is only interesting when contrasted with “Dirty Harry,” a film I saw last week, gave a “B” to, and now realize is absolutely brilliant. What makes “Dirty Harry” so fascinating is its unique political position, especially for 1971. It is, on its surface, in celebration of reactionary forces. Kill those fucking hippies. But the other villans, equally disdainful, is The Man. Authority and its rules: fuck ’em. Kill The Man, too. So what is Dirty Harry? Is he a force summoned up by the will of the “Silent Majority” or is he a Rebel With A Cause? A little of both. And the hippie in “Dirty Harry” is just note-perfect, violent yet weak. Anyway, what about “Magnum Force?” Here, Harry has to fight elements within his own group of police who take Dirty Harry-ing to excess. They are vigilantes, but they aren’t gray about it like Harry is, but they have to go. When it is discovered that The Man is actually behind it all (no duh!) that just makes the reversal of “Magnum Force’s” political point-of-view even more refracted. Screenplay by a young John Milius and a young Michael Cimino. Anyway, behind all this, a descent cop movie — and Harry’s Asian girlfriend is very sexy.