It must suck a little bit to be thought of as a “humorist.” No doubt people take your work just a little less seriously. Then again, you sell six times as many books as a “serious novelist.” Anyway, dozens of times while reading Little Green Men, an 8 or so year old book from Christopher “Wry Martinis” Buckley, I had to stop myself right there on the subway and think, “Holy Shit, that is so clever!” If that isn’t one of life’s treasures I don’t know what is.
This tale of DC insiders colliding with Roswell lunatics is LOLworthy from cover to cover, and the “story” that frames it isn’t so bad either. There’s been talk of a movie version for some time – it could work, but what’s best are Buckley’s (tres, tres) bon mots. Should you find this one in a used book store, grab it.