I’ve seen many movies about Christ — some of them are really terrific. I’ve always enjoyed them as spectacle, as culture, even as history. But during the big martyr act at the end, I’ve never had anything resembling an emotional reaction. At the end of “Lenny,” when all Dustin Hoffman wants to do is speak human-to-human with the judge who refuses to let down the guard of Establishment for a second and discuss the fundamentals of obscenity, I feel the way Christians feel as they see Christ being led to Golgotha. The movie is great because the story is great and because Bob Fosse was artist enough to shoot it in the style of a Lenny routine — wheels within wheels, zipping back and forth in time, riffing on itself, and already hip to its own ending. If I have one complaint it is that Dustin, while funny, isn’t as funny as Lenny. And he didn’t really get the voice right. But he probably came closer to nailing it as anyone ever could. To call Lenny Bruce one of the most important thinkers of the 20th Century is no understatement. We should fight for him to be on a stamp.