I’ll admit — the photos below are pretty crappy. I didn’t even get photos of about one third of the party-goers. That’s because the margaritas were so good!!!
Here’s Kerry the moment we all shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! The photo doesn’t show just how miserable he was.
Eventually — as margarita saturation started reaching its maximum capacity — a giant sombrero appeared on Kerry’s head.
Marcy goes wild with delight at seeing Mr. Dye collapsed on 8th Avenue.
Frankly, who isn’t wild at delight at seeing Mr. Dye collapsed on 8th Avenue?
Why don’t we look at that in close up, eh?
Bill rightly decides it is time to head home.
I posted a long & delightful rant about the curious events of that tequila-drenched evening, but in the stream of comment spam it must have gotten lost. Instead of retyping, just this: good times.