I can’t figure out if “Junebug” is absolutely brilliant or just plain good. I think. . .I think I have to say just plain good because, despite the many, many piercing moments, there are too many inconsistencies to let slide. I’m all for a character arc. . .cause, it’s, like, you know, pretty essential. . .but to have an important character just suddenly act different in the last 20 minutes of the film because it is what’s expected in a movie — it just strikes me as weak. (I’m speaking about Ashley, who is an annoying ditzy blabbermouth throughout the whole film, but, at the end, seen tragically, she suddenly is lovable. It works; she is lovable — that’s because the woman playing her is a great actress, but also because, suddenly, she stops spewing irritating dialogue. But there is nothing to suggest that the character has grown in any way to motivate this change. Dig?) Anyway, the movie does intentionally leave many loose ends untied and I respect that. One could even argue about the characters and really get heavy with some of the psychology — and when was the last time a movie made you do that? Worth seeing.