
And here’s where I shock you: this movie isn’t all that terrific. It is good, pretty darned good, but nowhere near the first and, as far as thrills are concerned, not even as good as Temple of Doom.

Reasons: no chemistry with the girl. I bet you even forgot their was a girl in this one. Marion Ravenwood, Willie Scott – those are female leads to rival Indy. I just watched this movie and I’ve already forgotten this woman’s character’s name. Fraulien something, that’s all I can tell you.

Also: the story is real clunky. Jones’ father spends weeks in a library looking for an X, but Indy finds it in 30 seconds? They go to Berlin and immediately find the missing diary and Hitler too? On the first try? And that whole tank fight on the cliff scene – a bit flat. Compare it to the truck scene in Raiders (okay, maybe unfair, as the truck scene in Raiders might be the best action sequence in all of cinema, but, hey, if you are a franchise property you have to outdo yourself, right?) and it just doesn’t cut it.

Last complaint: the score. We have very little of the epic themes from the first two films. The score here is pretty standard with occasional splashes of recognizability. Feh.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying “Thumbs Down” – Marcus Brody and Sallah are back, for God’s sake – I’m just saying not as good as you remember.