
This may surprise you, but I actually do have respect for televangelists. I certainly have respect for L. Ron Hubbard. I mean, if I had the cojones to do so (and didn’t have other aspirations) I would totally get in the religion game. It’s like shooting fish in a barrell. In a way, it is a wonder there aren’t more of them out there.

Dr. Gene Scott (now deceased) was one of the most fantastic scuzzballs we ever had on our airwaves. He’d actually yell at his audience and browbeat them (all mostly old and sick, I’m sure) into sending him money. In interviews with Herzog we see that he actually is a smart guy — but he isn’t super slick. He’s pensive. I think, at heart, he knows he’s a douche, but he can’t walk away from the pulpit now. . .he’s got too much responsibility and he’s in trouble with the IRS. Shooting fish in a barrell? Try not to feel superior during shots of Scott’s work associates. Oy vey.