

So here’s the part in the series where we find us repeating ourselves. Another episode where members of the Enterprise are captured by superior beings and held for amusement. This time they must fight like gladiators (and Kirk must rebel like Spartacus!!) Kirk romances a dopey female gladiator that coos baby talk and looks blankly at the screen with her wide eyes — she looks like a Pixar bird and, despite being half-naked in tin foil, just grosses me out. Best thing about this episode: Mr. Spock uses cold logic to save the Captain. McCoy and Scotty try to talk him out of it — calling him dispassionate and cruel. Usually when this happens Spock learns to bend a little and rely on some sort of emotion to help him out of his fix (eg The Galileo Seven.) This time: no dice. Hard heartless reason wins the day. And Bones doesn’t even apologize.