

There’s no way to deny it — this is a pretty bad episode. But it is just so goofy and fun that it deserves three and a half insignias. A “Halloween episode” we see witches, dungeons, black cats, Scotty and Sulu turned into zombies, spooky castles etc. Storywise, I don’t know what the heck is going on. There are two aliens in human form (when they are shown for what they really are, they look like two mini-stuffed chickens dangling around on very visible fishing lines) who have limitless power, but need to channel this through the thoughts and desires of humans. Or something. I dunno. All I know is it involves holding the Enterprise (left in the hands of crewman LaSalle since everybody important is on the haunted planet) hostage with a big voodoo device. Yeah, there’s voodoo, too. The best part is when Kirk, Spock & McCoy are walking down a cobwebbed corridor and the “floor gives out” with the fakest looking sudden break in history. No, actually, the best part is when the giant kitty cat is running in slow motion through a mini-version of the set and everyone is cowering in fear. Aw, heck, the whole episode is awesome like that.