To answer your question: no, I’d never seen this before. Listen, some things slip through the cracks. Anyway, I know a lot of people love this movie. . .but those who do are chumps. Edward Norton, yes, is great. But, shit, he was great in The Score, too, ya know? There are one or two shining moments (Norton’s dinner table speech defending racism) but, all in all, this alleged expose on the White Power movement is a dopey after school special. The turnabouts by the characters are completely phoney and anyone who gives a whit about racial issues in this country can see that this movie probably does more harm than good. The screenplay is horrid and director Kaye (who started in TV ads and music videos) hasn’t done squat since. New Line and he got in a battle over final cut on this project — my gut tells me that the studio saved this from being even worse.