A sickening horror film where no matter what the good guys do, there is doom down every corridor. Sadly, it is a documentary about organized labor in the mid-1980s. If you have the stomach for it, you can watch this film and see honest workers get royally reamed by the Man over and over again. First by the Company (in this case, Hormel — Boycott Spam!), then their well-meaning local, then the I-told-you-so National union, then the Company again, the media, the Reagan administration. . . It is a round-robin of ass fucking that will make you want to either blow your brains out, sing the Internationale or give up and join the GOP. Your stomach will really turn as weeping grown men who can’t feed their families fall one by one and cross their own picket line — a picket line that has no support from anyone (except Bruce Springsteen) because it didn’t follow procedure. Do you stand on the side of Solidarity, even if your local is run by idiots? I dunno. . .I need a Maalox.