I am unique among blogging Trekkers in that I do not despise the character of Lwaxana Troi. I actually find her amusing and I’m willing to look past the fact that she is the boss’ wife. In some ways I like her character more than Counselor Troi’s, as I can never quite figure out what she’s doing there. Sure — a ship’s half-Betazoid therapist is a good idea, but should she sit right there next to the Captain on the bridge? (The answer some would give is, so long as she continues to wear the tight purple spandex and keep her hair long, absolutely.)
Anyway, this episode features Lwaxana chasing Picard around, so much so that he has to hide out on the holodeck. Then there are some fish-monsters, one of whom played by Mick Fleetwood. No, I wouldn’t lie to you.