
Ann noticed that I don’t review books when I read ’em. This is due to a few factors. One, I read a lot less than I used to and Two, (and this is idiotic) I don’t have a “Books” category on my blog — and I don’t want to create one because (as I just mentioned) I read a lot less than I used to and I don’t want to have a blog category with 2 things in it.

So — what I’ve decided to do (and nobody, nobody, nobody cares or even notices this, I am sure) is fuse the “Cram It In Your Ear” category, which has heretofore been about music, with Books. Why? Well, figure that when one reads one uses the “mind’s ear” is speaking out the words. Or maybe the knowledge in the book gets into your brain and the best way in is through the ear. I don’t know. It’s my blog and it doesn’t have to make sense.

Anyway, Roth’s second novel is about a group of miserable people doing horrible things to each other. I don’t think it is supposed to be a comedy, but if you find douche-chilling pain like that found in the films of Todd Solondz you’ll get a laugh or two out of this. I know I did. A little dated, though. Pre-marital sex? Divorce? Hwhat?!?!?