Don’t yell at me: I just don’t like these types of movies. I yawned my way through Spider Man 2 and that is supposed to be the best superhero movie ever made. So a “B-” is a pretty high grade, okay? Because it is fun, in an odd way, to watch for Ashcroft/Gonzales parallels. And the Chateau D’If/Auschwitz/Guantanamo visual mash-up is quite something as well. But, in the end, I’m watching a dude in a mask do karate moves. And whatever rejection chemical I have in my brain for this sort of thing instantly gets released and I just can’t focus. There’s been talk about the “bravery” of this film. I say, “meh.” What kind of terrorist blows up buildings when they’re empty!?? And how radical is it to defend LGBT rights when two abnormally hot lipstick lesbians are cooing up there on the screen? You wanna fuck with the dominant paradigm, cast a lesbian who looks (to quote Margaret Cho) like John Goodman! The Guy Fawkes mask is pretty cool, I must say. I suspect we’ll see a bunch in this year’s Halloween parade?