This movie is oddly fascinating and may just be brilliant. It gets the high marks it does because I can’t quite figure out what make it tick. And because even though not much happens, it is never boring. It is, all the things that’s almost boring: languid, evocative, moody, etc. It’s about these two kids in modern Russia who are reunited with their asshole father. He takes them on a long, pointless voyage and acts like a total asshole. Then you kinda notice that the kids are a little bit assholes, too. Then some crazy shit happens and it ends. But the tracking shots, use of long lenses, long takes in the rain really get you right in the moment. I recommend this movie, and maybe it really is about young boys shedding their attachment to their mothers and becoming their fathers (as the press material says), but I won’t argue with anyone if they say they hate it.