A bit of a comedown right after Mirror, Mirror, this episode is fun, but kind’ve a disaster. Flowers that shoot darts for no reason, a race of sexless adults in idiotic wigs praying to a lizard-rock-computer that is draining the Enterprise of its power. . . slowly. . .and for no reason I could discern. Highlights, though, include Mr. Spock being extra-special Jew-y in his wisenheimer inability to give a straight answer. Also, Kirk is told that the people of this planet worship Vaal (rhymes with fall) and he immediately retorts “Take me to Vaal” (rhymes with Sal.) Wasn’t *anybody* working continuity on this show? Chekov has a girlfriend in this episode (Lt. Landon) who, if I may be so bold, gives Uhura and 7 of 9 a solid run for comeliest woman ever on Trek. She was played by a woman named Celeste Yarnall, now an author of books on cat care. You can read more about her and even contact her here