
A shuttle accident leaves Kirk, McCoy, Sulu, Chekov an Scotty with nothing but time. What better to do than reminisce about the last time they were faced with a no-win scenario….their Kobayashi Maru test from back at the Academy.

McCoy (who’s never heard of the durn thing – this is set between TMP and TWOK, when McCoy would later ask Spock what he “thought of his performance” during his Saavik-induced death scene) drinks these stories up. And some are good. Scotty’s and Sulu’s are anyway. Chekov’s is awful (sorry, Pavel) and Kirk’s is cool but underwhelming.

Anyway, this is good, goofy, light reading and I’ll be damned if Rozger makes me feel bad for looking at it in the morning’s on the subway. I just don’t have the mindpower to read anything else pre-coffee in the AM. It’s this or The Post, I swear.