It is with respect that I call this film a disaster. Godfrey Reggio has created one of my all time, high on the top 10, films with “Koyaanisqatsi.” His follow-up, “Powaqqatsi,” may’ve lacked the punch, but is still fantastic. With “Naqoyqatsi” Reggio is trying to do something new, but it does not measure up. Reggio made two choices here: to use almost exclusively found footage and to digitally alter them. His intentions may be valid, but it just doesn’t connect with me. Plus, with the other two films, even though they are non-linear, one can easily pick up on the point. Here I was left with a big “And? And?” at the end. Allow me to quote from Jackal59 who writes on the imdb: All of the subtlety and structure of Reggio’s early films is gone, leaving nothing but a hash of digitally smeared images whose sole purpose seems to be Whining About Bad Things Humans Do. Just how do Star Trek-like wormhole graphics, slo-mo colorized seascapes, mutiplicities of obviously fake computer icons, and shots of athletic competition … edited together with an overlay of video colorization that a 1980s “Dr. Who” producer would have rejected as “too cheesy,” add up to a polemic against “civilized violence”? There is no intellectual, emotional, or visceral connection between these images as assembled and mutated by Reggio and way too many digital effects artists, and the cautionary tale I assume he wanted to produce. With all of the “dramaturgical consultants” involved, no one seems to have pulled his head out the his own feeling of Saying Something Important and considered that they might all be failing to say something new. Amen to that Jackal. I grant it a “D” not an “F” because the Mme. Tussaud’s sequence is cool and because the Philip Glass score is awesome.